Cards | WHITE
- Description
Cards can be a beautiful form of communication. Words of encouragement and love should not be kept to yourself. These cards are designed so that you can add a special message on the back. These cards will be a great addition to a gift, can serve as a reminder on your fridge and can be used as a way to share the gospel.
- Tavu sirdi Dievs grib iepriecināt
- Sajūtas māk melot, Tu neesi viens (rakstuvietas, kuras par to runā)
- Tu esi mīlēts
- Es ticu par tevi
- Tavā dzīvē nav sagadīšanās vai tīkamas nejaušības, tavā dzīvē ir Dieva svētības
- Paldies
- Dzīve notiek, kafija palīdz, bet Jēzus glābj
- Kā Tev iet?
Card size: 10x10 cm
Free delivery on orders over 30 euros.
Receive a gift when shopping over 50 euros.
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Cards | WHITE